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AGAVE albopilosa, clone 2, mother offset, not tissue culture
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
AGAVE albopilosa, pot 5 cm, clone A, mother offset, 2 plants, not tissue culture
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
AGAVE albopilosa, pot 5 cm, clone A, mother offset, not tissue culture
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
AGAVE albopilosa, pot 6 cm, clone A, mother offset, not tissue culture
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
AGAVE albopilosa, pot 6,5 cm, clone A, mother offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
ALOE cv. Christmas Carol f. variegata
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
ANCISTROCACTUS pinkavanus, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
ARIOCARPUS bravoanus x VM 288, f. white flower, 2 SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
ARIOCARPUS confusus PP 420, Aramberi ex Pavlík, 2 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
ARIOCARPUS confusus PP 420, Aramberi ex Pavlík, 2 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
ARIOCARPUS confusus PP 420, Aramberi ex Pavlík, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
ARIOCARPUS confusus PP 420, Aramberi ex Pavlík, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
ARIOCARPUS confusus PP 420, Aramberi ex Pavlík, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus cv. Godzilla, grafted plant
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus cv. Godzilla, grafted plant
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus cv. Godzilla, grafted plant
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus cv. Godzilla, grafted plant
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
ARIOCARPUS fissuratus cv. Godzilla, grafted plant
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS retusus PP 232 cv. NonAriocarpus Godzilla, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
ARIOCARPUS retusus PP 232 cv. NonAriocarpus Godzilla, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS retusus PP 232 cv. NonAriocarpus Godzilla, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
ARIOCARPUS retusus PP 232 cv. NonAriocarpus Godzilla, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
ARIOCARPUS trigonus var. horacekii, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS trigonus var. horacekii, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS trigonus var. horacekii, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ARIOCARPUS trigonus var. horacekii, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM asterias cv. Turtle, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM asterias cv. Turtle, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM asterias cv. Turtle, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM caput - medusae + Ferocactus glaucescens, chimera, clone S1
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM caput-medusae x ASTROPHYTUM myriostigma cv. Onzuko, F1, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM caput-medusae x ASTROPHYTUM myriostigma cv. Onzuko, F1, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
ASTROPHYTUM caput-medusae, 3 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
AUSTROCACTUS bertinii PHA 2147, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
AUSTROCACTUS bertinii PHA 2147, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
AUSTROCACTUS bertinii PHA 2147, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
AUSTROCACTUS patagonicus, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
AVONIA quinaria ssp. alstonii f. monstrose, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii GCG 9763, 1,7 cm, 2 km before San José, NL., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii GCG 9763, 2 cm, 2 km before San José, NL., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 27.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii var. minor GCG 13116, S of Río San José, NL., 6,5 cm pot, 4x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 48.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii var. minor GCG 13116, S of Río San José, NL., 6,5 cm pot, 4x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 48.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii var. minor GCG 13116, S of Río San José, NL., 6,5 cm pot, 4x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 48.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii var. minor GCG 13116, S of Río San José, NL., 6,5 cm pot, 4x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 48.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii, 1,7 - 2,3 cm, 3x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii, 2,2 cm, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
AZTEKIUM hintonii, 2,8 cm, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 27.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, clone 3, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, clone 9, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, clone 9, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, clone 9, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, clone 9, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, pot 5 cm, 3 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, pot 5 cm, 3 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. intercostatum GCG 10888, Puente Ciprian, pot 5 cm, 4 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. rotundum GCG 10005, El Barreal, (+ D. foetida) one seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 28.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. rotundum GCG 10005, El Barreal, 1,5 - 2,2 cm, 4 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 35.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. rotundum GCG 10005, El Barreal, 5 cm pot, 3 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. rotundum GCG 10005, El Barreal, 5 cm pot, 5 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri f. rotundum GCG 10005, El Barreal, 5 cm pot, 5 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,6 - 1,7 cm, 5 cm pot, 4 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 43.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,6 cm, 3,5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,7 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,8 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,8 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,8 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,8 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,9 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 1,9 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 2 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 2 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 2 x 2,8 cm, 5 cm pot, two - headed SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 2,1 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 3 plants, one 6,5 cm pot, SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 27.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 5 plants, one 5 cm pot, SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 28.00 €
AZTEKIUM ritteri, 5 plants, one 5 cm pot, SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
AZTEKIUM valdezii f. aurea spiralis GCG 10893, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 50.00 €
AZTEKIUM valdezii f. aurea spiralis GCG 10893, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 50.00 €
AZTEKIUM valdezii f. aurea spiralis GCG 10893, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 50.00 €
AZTEKIUM valdezii GCG 10893, 0,5 - 0,9 cm, Loma Alta, NL.,Mex., 1 pot 6 cm, 7 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 57.00 €
AZTEKIUM valdezii GCG 10893, 1 cm, Loma Alta, NL.,Mex., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 27.00 €
AZTEKIUM valdezii GCG 10893, Loma Alta, NL.,Mex., grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
AZTEKIUM valdezii GCG 10893, Loma Alta, NL.,Mex., grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA campaniflora KK 2057
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA campaniflora KK 2057, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA campaniflora KK 2057, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA formosa, multiheaded seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA formosa, multiheaded seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA formosa, multiheaded seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA formosa, multiheaded seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA formosa, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA formosa, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA liliputana, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA liliputana, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA liliputana, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA liliputana, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA liliputana, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA minima, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA minima, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA mizqueana KK 657, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA mizqueana KK 657, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata var. tominense KK 1525, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata var. tominense KK 1525, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata var. tominense KK 1525, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata var. tominense KK 1525, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata var. tominense KK 1525, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA pedicellata, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 6.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 6.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 6.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., grafted seedling + seeds
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA spec., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA subterranea KK 1505, 2200 m., Sucre, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA subterranea KK 1505, 2200 m., Sucre, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA subterranea KK 1505, 2200 m., Sucre, 6 cm pot, 3x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA subterranea KK 1505, 2200 m., Sucre, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
BLOSSFELDIA subterranea KK 1505, 2200 m., Sucre, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone F, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone F, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 50.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P1, 6 cm pot, grafted ass (offset), 2 offsets
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P1, 6 cm pot, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 72.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P1, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P1, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P1, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 67.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P1, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P2, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P3, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 67.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P3, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 67.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P3, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P4, 6 cm pot, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 75.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P4, 6 cm pot, own roots, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 87.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P4, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 67.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P4, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 67.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P4, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 67.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P4, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 65.00 €
BRACHYCEREUS nesioticus clone P4, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 65.00 €
CINTIA knizei, 3 pieces
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
CIPOCEREUS crassisepalus, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
CIPOCEREUS minensis, 2x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
COPIAPOA laui, offseting SEEDLING !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
CREMNOCEREUS albipilosus, pot 6 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 1.00 €
CREMNOCEREUS albipilosus, pot 6cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 1.00 €
CREMNOCEREUS albipilosus, pot 6cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 1.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii f.rubra, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii f.rubra, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii, 3 x seedlings, one pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii, 3,5 cm grafted SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii, offered 1 x seedling in the pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 7.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii, offered 1 x seedling in the pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 7.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii, offered 1 x seedling in the pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 7.00 €
ECHINOCACTUS horizonthalonius F98, Las Mariposas,NL., Mex., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
ECHINOCACTUS horizonthalonius, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
ENCEPHALOCARPUS strobiliformis cv. Fluffy White ex Andrea Catabriga, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
ENCEPHALOCARPUS strobiliformis cv. Fluffy White ex Andrea Catabriga, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
ESCOBARIA abdita ssp. tenuispina, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
ESCOBARIA abdita ssp. tenuispina, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
EUPHORBIA abdelkuri, 4,5 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 23.00 €
EUPHORBIA abdelkuri, 5,5 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
EUPHORBIA abdelkuri, 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 23.00 €
EUPHORBIA abdelkurii cv. Damask, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
EUPHORBIA abdelkurii cv. Damask, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
EUPHORBIA abdelkurii cv. Damask, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
EUPHORBIA columnaris, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
EUPHORBIA gymnocalycioides, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 27.00 €
EUPHORBIA meloformis f. variegata, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
EUPHORBIA meloformis f. variegata, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
EUPHORBIA susannae f. cristata variegate ex Cok, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
EUPHORBIA susannae f. cristata variegate ex Cok, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
FEROCACTUS johnstonianus, 5 cm pot, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
FEROCACTUS lindsayi GM 1310, El Jaraguay, BC, clone 1, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
FEROCACTUS lindsayi GM 1310, El Jaraguay, BC, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
FEROCACTUS lindsayi GM 1310, El Jaraguay, BC, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
FEROCACTUS lindsayi GM 1310, El Jaraguay, BC, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
FEROCACTUS lindsayi GM 1310, El Jaraguay, BC, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
GEOHINTONIA mexicana, 3 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
GLANDULICACTUS uncinatus var. wrightii f. brevispinus Česal, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
GYMNOCALYCIUM cv. Yellow Bastard, SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
GYMNOCALYCIUM mihanovichii f. cristate, 7 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
GYMNOCALYCIUM ragonesei f. roseiflorum, 3 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
GYMNOCALYCIUM ragonesei f. roseiflorum, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
GYMNOCALYCIUM ragonesei f. roseiflorum, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
GYMNOCALYCIUM ragonesei f. roseiflorum, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
HAWORTHIA cv. Sikinjoh (Forbidden City)
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
HAWORTHIA truncata f. variegata
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
HAWORTHIA truncata f. variegata
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
HOMALOCEPHALA texensis cv. Anayami, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 50.00 €
HOMALOCEPHALA texensis cv. Anayami, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 53.00 €
HOMALOCEPHALA texensis cv. Anayami, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 50.00 €
JASMINOCEREUS thouarsii clone 1, 5 cm pot, grafted offset, mother plant, 2 offsets
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 40.00 €
JASMINOCEREUS thouarsii clone 1, 6 cm pot, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 40.00 €
JASMINOCEREUS thouarsii clone 1, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 55.00 €
JASMINOCEREUS thouarsii var. sclerocarpus clone 1, Isabela, Galapagos, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
JASMINOCEREUS thouarsii var. sclerocarpus clone 1, Isabela, Galapagos, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 55.00 €
JASMINOCEREUS thouarsii var. sclerocarpus clone 1, Isabela, Galapagos, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
JASMINOCEREUS thouarsii var. sclerocarpus clone 1, Isabela, Galapagos, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
LOPHOPHORA alberto-vojtechii, VM 758 Vanegas, one pot, 9 plants, seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
LOPHOPHORA koehresii, mother plants, seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
LOPHOPHORA koehresii, mother plants, seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
LOPHOPHORA koehresii, mother plants, seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
LOPHOPHORA williamsii var. fricii, San Pedro, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
LOPHOPHORA williamsii, 5 - 6 cm pots, 5 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
LOPHOPHORA williamsii, 5 - 7 cm pots, 5 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 22.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 22.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 22.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
MAMMILLARIA bertholdii GCG 10006, San Pedro de Quichapa, Oax., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
MAMMILLARIA breviplumosa GCG 12500, Mapimi, Dgo. Mex., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
MAMMILLARIA breviplumosa GCG 12500, Mapimi, Dgo. Mex., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
MAMMILLARIA hermosana VZD 1181, El Encino, Zac., 2 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
MAMMILLARIA luethyi, clone D, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
MAMMILLARIA luethyi, clone D, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. longispina yelow spines GCG 12621, clone 2
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. longispina yelow spines GCG 12621, clone 2
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. longispina yelow spines GCG 12621, clone 2
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, Guanajuato, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, Guanajuato, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, Guanajuato, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, Guanajuato, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, Guanajuato, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, Guanajuato, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, Guanajuato, seedlingv
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, offseting seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
MAMMILLARIA perezdelarosae ssp. andersoniana f. nova long spines GCG 12621, offseting seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA sanchez-mejoradae f. aurea, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
MAMMILLARIA sanchez-mejoradae f. aurea, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
MAMMILLARIA sanchez-mejoradae f. crest, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MAMMILLARIA sanchez-mejoradae f. crest, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
MICRANTHOCEREUS purpureus HU 133, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
MICRANTHOCEREUS purpureus HU 133, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
NAVAJOA fickeisenii f. brevispina ex Hájek, frostproof, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
NOTOCACTUS uebelmannianus f. monstrosus, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
OBREGONIA denegrii PP 253, 5 cm pot, 2 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
ORTEGOCACTUS macdougallii, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
ORTEGOCACTUS macdougallii, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
PACHYPODIUM brevicaule f. variegate leaf
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
PELECYPHORA pseudopectinata cv. Barbora, 4 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA bahiensis HU 1550 ex Cattabriga, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA bahiensis HU 1550 ex Cattabriga, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA bahiensis HU 1550 ex Cattabriga, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA brauniorum ex Neirick ex Zahra, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA brauniorum ex Neirick ex Zahra, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA brauniorum ex Neirick ex Zahra, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA brauniorum ex Neirick ex Zahra, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA brauniorum ex Neirick ex Zahra, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
PIERREBRAUNIA brauniorum ex Neirick ex Zahra, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
PILOCANTHUS paradinei 2,6 cm, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 6,5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 6,5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 6,5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 6,5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 6,5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 6,5 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 7 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 27.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 7 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 27.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS caput-viperae, pot 7 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 24.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS dodsonianus, 5 cm pot, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
PSEUDOLITHOS dodsonianus, 5 cm pot, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
PYGMAEOCEREUS bieblii, 3 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
PYGMAEOCEREUS bieblii, 3 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
PYGMAEOCEREUS bieblii, 3 x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STENOCEREUS beneckei, pot 6 cm, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS corregidorae VM 974, 2,5 cm, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS corregidorae VM 974, 2,8 cm, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis ssp. esperanzae VM 291, Xichu, two - headed SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis ssp. esperanzae x TURBINICARPUS alonsoii, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis var. minimus VM 207, Pena Miler, 11 PIECES, 6,5 cm pot of SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis var. minimus VM 207, Pena Miler, 21 PIECES, 1 pot of SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 66.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis var. minimus VM 207, Pena Miler, 3 PIECES, 6,5 cm pot of SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis var. minimus VM 207, Pena Miler, 4 PIECES, 5 cm pot of SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis var. minimus VM 207, Pena Miler, 5 PIECES, 5 cm pot of SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 14.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS disciformis var. minimus VM 207, Pena Miler, 5 PIECES, 5 cm pot of SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 14.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS esperanzae var. nova SN 2014.0201 + 1 PIECE SEEDLING, pot 6 cm
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS esperanzae var. nova SN 2014.0201 + 1 PIECE SEEDLING, pot 6 cm
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS esperanzae var. nova SN 2014.0201, 7 plants, one pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS x F2 esperanzae, Las Adjuntas km 38, Peňamiller, QUE., Mex., 12 SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS x F2 esperanzae, Las Adjuntas km 38, Peňamiller, QUE., Mex., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
STROMBOCACTUS x F2 esperanzae, Las Adjuntas km 38, Peňamiller, QUE., Mex., SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, 2x offseting seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 32.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, 4x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 35.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, 4x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 35.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, 4x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 35.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, bigger offseting seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 22.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TRICHOCAULON similis, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
TURBINICARPUS viereckii ssp. reconditus, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
TURBINICARPUS viereckii ssp. reconditus, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii f. green RNK 55, 5 cm pot, 2 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii f. green RNK 55, 5 cm pot, 4 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii f. green RNK 55, 5 cm pot, 6 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 62.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 51, Serra Mato Virgem, 2,6 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 51, Tromba d´Anta, Mg., 1,8 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 51, Tromba d´Anta, Mg., 1,9 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 51, Tromba d´Anta, Mg., 1,9 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 51, Tromba d´Anta, Mg., 2,4 cm, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 19.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 46.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 52, 2 x seedlings, one pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 46.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 70.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 70.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 70.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 80.00 €
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 106.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 52, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 18.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 52, Tromba d´Anta, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 52, Tromba d´Anta, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA buiningii RNK 52, Tromba d´Anta, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA gummifera f. tall plants RNK 102/14, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 35.00 €
UEBELMANNIA gummifera RNK 25/2023 (HU 282, type), 1060 m., Penha de Franca, clone 3, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA gummifera RNK 25/2023 (HU 282, type), 1060 m., Penha de Franca, clone 3, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninensis (+Turb. schmiedickeanus), seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 35.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninensis RNK 101/14, Tromba d´Anta, 2,4 cm seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 35.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninensis x pectinifera, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninensis x pectinifera, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninesis var. rubra VT 18, Pedra Menina, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninesis var. rubra VT 18, Pedra Menina, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninesis var. rubra VT 18, Pedra Menina, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninesis var. rubra VT 18, Pedra Menina, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninesis var. rubra VT 18, Pedra Menina, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninesis var. rubra VT 18, Pedra Menina, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA meninesis var. rubra VT 18, Pedra Menina, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. RNK 96 f. dark, clone 6, 7,5 cm, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 57.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. RNK 96, clone 15, 8,5 cm, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 57.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. RNK 96, clone 16, 6,5 cm, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. RNK 96, clone 24, 8 cm, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 97, Parque Nacional das Sempre Vivas, Mg., Brasil
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 97, Parque Nacional das Sempre Vivas, Mg., Brasil
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 105, first offered !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 105, first time offered !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 105, first time offered !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 105, first time offered !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 105, first time offered !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 40.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 105, first time offered !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 40.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 97, Parque Nacional das Sempre Vivas, Mg., Brasil
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 98, clone 3, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 98, clone 3, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 98, clone 3, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova RNK 98, clone 3, rooted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova, RNK 105, 2 x SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 42.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova, RNK 105, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. f. nova, RNK 105, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 30.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. flavispina x inhaiensis n. prov., RNK 46, 8 km E of Sao Joao da Chapada
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. RNK 96, clone , cm,
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 57.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera aff. RNK 96, clone 10, 7,5 cm, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. aff, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. crebrispina RNK 69, nov. prov., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. crebrispina RNK 69, nov. prov., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. crebrispina RNK 69, nov. prov., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. crebrispina RNK 69, nov. prov., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. crebrispina RNK 69, nov. prov., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. crebrispina RNK 73, nov. prov., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 17.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. eriocactoides RNK 78 (type form), 1 pot 5 cm, 6 pieces, SEEDLINGS
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 57.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. eriocactoides RNK 78 (type), Curimataí, Mg, Br., 4 x seedlings, one pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 46.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. eriocactoides RNK 78 (type), Curimataí, Mg, Br., 5 x seedlings, one pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. eriocactoides RNK 78 (type), Curimataí, Mg, Br., 7 x seedlings, one pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 50.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. eriocactoides RNK 78 (type), Curimataí, Mg, Br., grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. eriocactoides RNK 78 (type), Curimataí, Mg, Brasil
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. eriocactoides RNK 99, clone 15 (the best selection), grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. flavispina RNK 70, 1200m, NW of Barao do Guaicuí, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. flavispina RNK 70, 1200m, NW of Barao do Guaicuí, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 22.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. flavispina RNK 70, 1200m, NW of Barao do Guaicuí, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. flavispina RNK 70, 1200m, NW of Barao do Guaicuí, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. flavispina RNK 70, 1200m, NW of Barao do Guaicuí, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. horrida HU 550, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. horrida RNK 31, SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. inhaiensis n.n. RNK 11, flowering seedling, 15 years old
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 55.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. inhaiensis n.n. RNK 11, flowering seedling, 15 years old
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 55.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. inhaiensis n.n. RNK 11, flowering seedling, 15 years old
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 58.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. inhaiensis n.n. RNK 11, flowering seedling, 15 years old
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. inhaiensis n.n. RNK 11, flowering seedling, 15 years old
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. inhaiensis n.n. RNK 11, flowering seedling, 15 years old
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. inhaiensis n.n., seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 25.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. multicostata RNK 17 (HU 362), 7,3 cm, flowering SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 65.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. multicostata RNK 17 (HU 362), 7,3 cm, flowering SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 65.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. multicostata RNK 17 (HU 362), 8 cm, flowering SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 65.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. multicostata RNK 17 (HU 362), 8,5 cm, flowering SEEDLING
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 65.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera HU 106 (type form), one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 14.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera HU 106 (type form), one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera HU 106 (type form), one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera HU 106 (type form), one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera HU 106 (type form), one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera HU 106 (type form), one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera HU 106 (type form), one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 14.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera RNK 18, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera RNK 18, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 13.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera RNK 18, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera RNK 18, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pectinifera RNK 18, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 36, 5km SW of Datas, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 36, 5km SW of Datas, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 36, 5km SW of Datas, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 36, 5km SW of Datas, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 45.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 36, 5km SW of Datas, seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 37.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 7.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 38, 1415 m., one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 39, Trinta Réis, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 8.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 39, Trinta Réis, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 39, Trinta Réis, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 11.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 39, Trinta Réis, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 39, Trinta Réis, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 39, Trinta Réis, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 11.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var. pseudopectinifera RNK 39, Trinta Réis, one pot of seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var., seedling, lost tag, aff. var. multicostata
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
UEBELMANNIA pectinifera var., seedling, lost tag, aff. var. multicostata
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
YAVIA cryptocarpa, 5 cm pot, 2 x SEEDLINGS !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 55.00 €
YAVIA cryptocarpa, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
YAVIA cryptocarpa, 5 cm pot, SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
YAVIA cryptocarpa, 5 cm pot, two - headed SEEDLING !!!
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 47.00 €
YAVIA cryptocarpa, 5 cm pot, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
YAVIA cryptocarpa, 5 cm pot, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €