CINTIA knizei, 3 pieces
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 15.00 €
CIPOCEREUS crassisepalus, grafted seedling
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
CIPOCEREUS minensis, 2x seedlings
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 10.00 €
COPIAPOA laui, offseting SEEDLING !
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
CREMNOCEREUS albipilosus, pot 6 cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 1.00 €
CREMNOCEREUS albipilosus, pot 6cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 1.00 €
CREMNOCEREUS albipilosus, pot 6cm, grafted offset
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 1.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii f.rubra, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii f.rubra, grafted
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 12.00 €
DISCOCACTUS horstii, 3 x seedlings, one pot
Availability: Sold outThe goods are not available at the moment. Please keep informed about the availability.
Price: 20.00 €